
Our company incorporated in 2009, has grown every year since we've been in business and is a leader in responsive web design (RWD) technology for mobile devices.

Yes, please contact us and we will provide you with a list of references.

Billing Questions:

No, unless a custom feature or service is required. We will provide a written proposal before starting any custom work.

Yes, one hour of training is usually enough time to understand the basics of using the system, however additional training is available at no cost. There would be no extra fee to change the design unless you want something custom.

FACE Websites, LLC
PO Box 930521
Verona, WI 53593-0521 (Located in the Madison, WI area)
Phone # 608-845-9000

Product/Features Questions:

Since there is no long-term contract (although you will need to sign a agreement), you can move at any time if you're not happy with our service. Depending on what features the new provider has, you may lose some of your existing features. You would have 30 days to move your content. Anytime a business switches to a new website design and development vendor, they run the risk of decreasing their search engine optimization (SEO) rankings.

If you decide to use our services, we will require you to sign and date an agreement that provides an overview of our services and starts the 30 free setup period. During those 30 days, we will train someone (it can be more than one person) to be able to update and maintain the content. Also, we will assist in creating pages and adding content in the database. At any point if you have a question/issue you can call our support line. After 30 days the site goes live but can be delayed if you're not ready for a launch.

For credit card purchases you would pay the standard fee that your credit card processor charges. If your organization/business doesn't have a credit card processor, we can recommend a vendor. Yes, membership dues, payments for an event, online ticket sales and online donations can be made from the site and kept separate.

Yes, it's one of the features in the content management system (CMS). You can create/maintain posts that people can reply to.

Yes, it's one of the 50+ features that we offer. The photo gallery is easy-to-use and allows uploads of videos and photos.

No delay, content goes live instantly once the user approves the changes but they have the option to cancel the changes.

Yes, our database is very powerful since it can keep track an unlimited number of users and group. The database allows you to run reports, query the data, import/export data and send out email blasts. The functionality of the database is always improving.

There is no limit to the amount of pages you can create but I would estimate the average to be around 20.

Yes, we need to host your website and give you the option to use our email provider. Our starting price is $2.00 a month for each email address with no size limit.

Yes, tickets can be sold to events, shows, performances and tours to name a few.

Yes, each member in the database can be assigned to a custom group that you create. Registration can be enabled so any site visitor can register into the users group, but you could assign a higher security level.

Yes, you can send emails to everyone in the database or to specific groups that you create in either a plain text or html format. You can also add attachments to an email.

Yes, our visitor feature allows you to manage members and membership dues.

Support Questions:

No, there is no practical disk usage space for custom pages, images and documents at this time. Potential restrictions will be examined on a case by case basis. If significant space is used for video and audio, then third party storage may become necessary at the client's expense. But from a practical standpoint disk space is currently inexpensive enough to assume that very few clients will require any restrictions.

Any Internet friendly file format will be accepted by the system. We have a tool that automatically resizes the images/video to preserve disk stage and increase download speeds.

Every email that is sent from our system has an unsubscribe option at the bottom of the email message.

It is the responsible of our clients to back their content/images. We do backups for disaster recovery for the entire system and not individual client websites.

Support is available during regular business hours by phone or email. Calls are answered by a live person who can immediately log on to a client's website to resolve and issue.

Our system utilizes all the Internet security standards and our development team has many years of experience handling these types of transactions. Most reputable credit card processor will make you follow their specific standards.